Friday, January 22, 2010

Giving is caring: Hand-ry gives a helping hand to Haiti

The sinner attempts to redeem himself

A fallen angel of the football world, that's how I would describer Messr. Hand-ry. His mesmerising pace, quick feet and undoubted talent endeared him to the hearts of many football fans, Arsenal or otherwise, the French or the English.

However, it would be his hand-control rather than close-control with his neat footwork which he would always be remembered for.

IF France wins the World Cup, a huge IF, the holy grail of the football world would be forever tainted by those same hands which on a day, many moons ago, when the they eyes of the world was focused on two teams vying to be the final team to reach the World Cup Finals, a player of great gift, used those same hands to cheat!

Forgiven, never forgotten, and never doubt a person's love for life

And now, a helping hand (pun intended) from the same Hand-ry which made the headlines for the wrong reasons a few months back.

Read it here.

I give him the benefit of the doubt, that this donation of his was indeed done in good faith, but I know of some who would say otherwise, that all he is doing now is trying to reverse the damage done. Sincere or with hidden intentions, it is good to see the saints and the devils of the soccerfields did not forget Haiti.

For one, I do believe it's a sincere gift from someone who I will always remember for speed and grace on the field, Thiery Henry, handball or not :)


Ben Lai

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