Thursday, January 22, 2009

One step closer

Dear blog,

I finally obtained my Right of Abode, and I can hereby trully declare myself as a British-Malaysian-Chinese. As complicated as it might sound, to cut the story short, my Mom is British Chinese, I made the application to the British High Comm and it was approved :)

Other than THE British status, what else is in store for me?? Below are a few (or what I might assume):

1. Home student fees for higher education in the UK - Ever notice the distinction made between Home Students and Foreign in your UK Varisity fees brochures?? Yes, the difference is between the bracket of 10 - 25% depending on the courses and varsities which offer it :) So, I am now considered a Home Student and I would enjoy that discount :)

2. Unrestricted access to UK and beyond!: My application coincides with the move by the Her Royal Majesty's Government to tighten entry requirements for 11 non-EU countries and Malaysia is one of those included in the revised procedure list. For one, entry is now based on a merit basis, with XX amount of points given if you are professionally qualified and further pointers if you are etc etc... I bypassed the requirement as I am now considered a British subject! Hooray!!! No hassle to prove that I am qualified (not that I am not!!!) :)

3. Discrimination: Here I assume, I am not too sure whether it is true but according to relayed experience from friends in the UK, employers would prefer not to hire a foreigner who requires a working visa. I would understand their position as you would need to process the visa, get all the documentation sorted out and always be reminded at the back of their heads that the bugger might not see through his contract after all the troubles you went through to secure his visa in the first place. Sounds familliar?? It happens in the EPL all the time!!! :)

4. Doing what I like and not be discriminated: I have a dream, to work for a certain company. It is quite well know, the working environment is nice, the wages acceptable, but there is no glamour in it when you announce it to your uncle and aunties :) Which company is it? What job? I would make an announcement when I secure it. I know, I might still not get the oooohhs and ahhhhs when I let them know, maybe even a little bit of ticking off, but at least I could proudly say I am buying my own place in KL after only 1 year of working in England. Now that's an achievement isn't it? Eventhough I am holding an unglamourous job :)

I think I said enough. This is my first post, plenty more to come :)

Ben Lai


  1. see, told you to use blogspot. hahaha what happened to the other one then? LOL

    sexy beruk left her mark!

  2. I have registered the domain, but still need some help in hosting, design etc.

    Do you have blogging for dummies?? Can I borrow it?? :)

    Ben Lai
